
米奇Stellavato, PhD, is an instructor of Mass Communication and English 卡内基梅隆大学. 

米奇Stellavato's Curriculum Vitae

米奇Stellavato的网站 & 摄影工作

遵循博士. 斯特拉瓦托在Instagram上: @ms.风景优美的.路线


Voices Seen: Portraits of Diversity on Campus, April 2022, pp电子极速糖果

Visit Grand Junction, November 2021, “Old Spanish Trail”

Women in Journalism Magazine, July 31, 2020, Header photo and others

“This New Community of Black Women Photographers Wants to Help the Industry Fix Its Diversity Problem.” Multiple photos in Petapixel, July 24, 2020

Black and White: 2018 exhibition at Black Box Online Annex and Catalogue


“Sekhmet: Transformation in the Belly of the Goddess.©2017 Bear & 公司:照片

“Our Communities: Diversity at the UO.” Numerous Portraits and first-person narratives. Oregon Quarterly Autumn 2017

马丁·路德·金. 颁奖午宴. 提名者肖像. DEI网站,在O附近

是运动. 照片 of local individuals for Equity and Community Consortium

“Tales of Healing: A Narrative Analysis of the Digital Storytelling Workshop Experience,” 2013 ProQuest/UMI Dissertation

Portraits and events: 招生 Department (new recruitment campaigns 2005-2020, 网站, 打印, 和整版广告), College of Arts and Sciences, 罗伯特D. 克拉克荣誉学院, 俄勒冈人文中心, Division of Equity and Inclusion, 俄勒冈季刊, Cascade Magazine: University of Oregon, 2006 to 2020, 在印刷品和网站上

UO作证. A survivor-centered photo essay, inspired by Project Unbreakable

尤金每周, “Tango on Wheels at TEDx UOregon,” April 24, 2014

TEDxUoregon 2014. 照片

“Drinking Her Tears: The 生活 and Times of Rhonda Kalista,” feature-length oral history film

多元化职业研讨会. A documentary on the campus-wide Diversity Coalition

“Hiring Faculty for the Future.” Video series produced for the Center on Diversity and
Community (CoDaC), educating faculty search committees in best practices for

TEDxUO 2013. 照片

“Many Faces, Many Voices: One Oregon.” Portraits of Diversity for Division of Equity and Inclusion University of Oregon, exhibition at Eugene Airport and various UO campus locations

每月回顾. Photo of John Bellamy Foster 2011

“Fact and Fiction: Body Image in the Time of Photoshop.” Three public presentations for 4J Public School System (Eugene, OR) and one at Looking Glass Counseling

“Runaway Days: A Week in the 生活 of Laurie McCallister” selected for the Cottage Grove

“Synchrony,” an independent film directed by Jeff Rowles. 米奇摄影
Stellavato, presented at The DIVA, Eugene, OR, November 2007

“伏特加 & Popcorn: The 生活 and Times of Lisa Blue,” feature-length documentary
testimonial narrative, Eugene, OR, June 2006 and August 2007

Last Friday Art Walk: “Portraits,” black & white photography at Wandering Goat Coffee

“Like Our Ancestors: The Choice of Homebirth in a Modern World,” 15-minute digital film
Western States Folklore Society annual conference, Eugene, OR, April 2005

“Portraits,” one-person showing of portrait photography, School of Journalism and
Communication, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, January through March 2005

Numerous photos published in various magazines, 包括俄勒冈季刊, O型周围, 尤金杂志, 尤金每周, 时髦的妈妈, 今天助产学, 的Monomyth, 和登记员, 1993-2017